

  • 日本新幹線
  • 法國TGV線

World's Fastest Rail Train TGV 574,8 KPH Inside Footage



台灣最快的列車當然是2006開始正式營運的台灣高鐵700T。其最快的營運速度是時速300公里。當然這個和上面提到的世界記錄完全沾不上邊,不過做為營運中的列車來講,仍是世界級的水準 - 目前營運中的列車最高速也不過是時速320公里啊。



I hope that is true: Taiwan will be the richest country in the world in terms of GDP per person

This is taken from a BBC blog: http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/thereporters/markeaston/2008/09/map_of_the_week_global_wealth.html

Check the third last paragraph (where I coloured it as red) and the atlas of 2015.

Map of the week: Global wealth
  • Mark Easton
  • 29 Sep 08, 11:10 AM GMT

Our Map of the week this week is culled from a new book, The Atlas of the Real World, out next month.

The book uses 'cartograms' to analyse how different aspects of life look in global terms - depicting the areas and countries of the world not by their physical size, but by their demographic importance.

Each territory on a map displays its data graphically by being made larger or smaller proportional to the other territories, which are in turn scaled according to the data within them.

The maps have been created by Daniel Dorling, Mark Newman and Anna Barford - academics behind the renowned website .

There are lots of fascinating maps in the book and I shall no doubt borrow more in the future, but a series which immediately caught my eye looks at 2000 years of wealth.

Wealth Year 1

Wealth Year 1500

Wealth Year 1900

Wealth Year 1960

Wealth Year 1990

Wealth Year 2015

It is a simple animation over six frames that reveals an amazing story of global power shifting across the planet and the UK's place within that.

Wealth is measured in terms of gross domestic product (GDP) defined as the total market value of all goods and services produced within a territory in a given year. The figures are also adjusted for purchasing power parity.

The first map entitled Wealth Year 1 shows how wealth was distributed across the world 2,000 years ago, in terms of modern boundaries.

The best current estimates indicate that average GDP per person living in the year AD1 expressed in current US dollars, was $445. By 1990 the equivalent was $5,248.

The researchers surmised that there was probably little variation between regions at the time. Indeed, since variations in GDP per person were low this map looks very similar to the population map for AD1.

By 1500, Europe had become one of the wealthiest areas of the world with Britain the sixth richest country in terms of GDP per person after Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark and France.

In 1900, Britain dominates the picture, the richest country on the planet per capita.Within 60 years, we are not even in the top 10 and by 1990 the United States had become number one. But looking ahead and the Far East swells up, back to the size it had been 500 years earlier.

In 2015, the richest country in terms of GDP per person is expected to be Taiwan with the US in sixth. The UK is not quite back to its 1500 status but I think we can see the direction of travel.

The maps, of course, also reveal poverty around the world. The shrunken, deformed shape of Africa tells its own story.

The Atlas of the Real World: Mapping the Way We Live is published by Thames and Hudson on 6 Oct.


MelamineFree 本部落格100%不含三聚氰胺






我的不捨:中文譯音定案 漢語取代通用拚音

這是一則台灣的新聞:中文譯音定案 漢語取代通用拚音




通用拼音制定的時候最大的爭議在於當時在國際社會上已經有一套通用的中文拼音規則,就是中國推行的漢語拼音。通用拼音和漢語拼音有著極大的相容性,只有少數的音不同。這個爭議可以是學理上的,也可以是政治上的。我記得一個重要的學術上的爭議是中國制定的漢語拼音,有很多是很不自然的拼法,比如說X, Q所代表的音,就跟英文中,這些字母的發音方式不太相同。










我的阿基里斯腱 - 拆線換石膏


早上9點的約診,我和老婆提早了10分鐘到骨科報到。還沒有看到醫生,之前那個比較資深的石膏先生就來找我,請我直接到石膏室去拆石膏 - 不拆開,醫生也看不到咩!


From 20080917 - Outpatient



Cheeven: Is this wound ok?
Ian: Do I look like I am worried?
Cheeven: Well, it is not your leg...

幫我開刀的醫生是Dr. Naique。 他也過來跟我和我老婆打了招呼。他還講了個冷笑話,問我老婆多了一個人在家裡跳來跳去的感覺怎麼樣~~~ 傷口拆好時,他看了一下傷口,就告訴我這個傷口的狀況很好,在腳跟的地方縫得醜了一點,不過那個是因為關節附近的關係啦~~~ 

醫生說呢,今天主要的工作呢,就是把這些線頭剪掉(Remove stitches),然後重新上一個石膏。再過6個星期再回診,之後就可以不用打石膏了。Ian解釋說,在這段期間,每2個星期還是要回醫院,但不用看醫生,也不用在入口處報到,可以直接到石膏室跟他打招呼換石膏。他們會每次逐漸調整角度,把我的腳板壓回到正常的角度。之後復健就可以容易一點。












幸好我還知道台灣有個教育部。上次還跟這邊的朋友秀過當年惹過大風波的「三隻小豬」成語典。今天請google大神幫忙,才找到這個絕佳的中文教育網站:教育部國語推行委員會網站 http://www.edu.tw/mandr/。上面有不少很好的查詢功能可以增進個人的中文知識的呢!





我的阿基里斯腱 - 家庭醫生


英國的醫療制度蠻有趣的。英國有和台灣全民健保類似的制度,叫做NHS, National Health Service。我每個月的薪水都會自動扣繳NHS的費用,而像我這次住院和開刀,都不用另外付費用。NHS和台灣全民健保另一點相似的地方是:它們都有嚴重的財政問題,也常常遭受各種利益團體的批評。

NHS和台灣全民健保有一點不同:一個人生病的時候,不是直接去醫院,而是要先聯繫自己的家庭醫生。英國這邊把它稱為General Practioner, GP。GP就像是各種醫療服務的起點一樣。






我的GP是一個年輕的英國男性。我一進到診間,他正在看著從醫院轉來的病歷,所以對於我的病情已經了解。我告訴他說,我此行的目的一個是病假的問題,一個是止痛藥的問題。他很阿莎力地開了一個四星期的病假給我。關於藥的部份,我目前服用的藥包括ParacetamolDiclofenac Sodium。這兩種藥都是相當常用的消炎止痛藥。由於Paracetamol不是處方藥,所以他還建議直接從藥局架上拿,因為比較便宜。

不到20分鐘,看完GP。我想應該我做的功課比較足夠,所以每次看GP都很快… 畢竟我目前也只看痛風和我的阿基里斯腱,該知道的我都知道了啊!臨行前,醫生開玩笑說,再過一陣子,我應該會變成拐扙的高手。我笑笑回說,我已經是用拐扙上下樓梯的高手了。出了門,忽然覺得,也許該試試用拐扙拄回家喔!





“好肥好嫩的手啊!” 我忍不住地笑了出來,而推著娃娃車的媽媽也笑了出來。我搖了搖手,向那個小娃娃說再見,並且和那個年輕媽媽點頭致意。相錯時,簡單的互相說了一句“cheers”,讓人心情頓時好了不少。




話說從頭:我如何弄斷了我的阿基里斯腱 (1) - 意外的發生


My Story of Achilles Tendon Rupture (English version)

I have already posted a few articles about my Achilles tendon rupture on my blog in Chinese. This article is to run through the whole story briefly in English so that I can let my friends here in UK understand what I have been through.

The whole thing started in the evening Monday 18 August 2008.

I made some good friends in south London who play Badminton regularly, about 2 or 3 times a week. I joined them in order to get myself healthier. On that night, we booked the court from 8pm to 10pm, and it was about 9:30pm. When it happened, I was trying to run and bend forward to catch a short ball near the net. My right leg was in the back and suddenly I felt like being hit by some rod on above my ankle. The leg became so weak that I fell down immediately.

I checked the people behind me, but they did not see anything. I observed my leg, and found that the muscle was all loose and there was an obvious gap in the back of my lower leg, right above the ankle. I suddenly started to worried about it was something wrong with my Achilles tendon although people in the sports centre assured me it was just that the muscle went through some shock and I just needed a good rest. It was not painful, and I could still bend my foot in all angles.

I sat there for a few minute and then a close friend drove me home.

The next day, Tuesday 19 August, because I was still very worried about the injury, I went to a hospital near my place, Charing Cross Hospital in Hammersmith. I went directly to the A&E department, and a nurse checked on my leg and confirmed that it was indeed the Achilles tendon rupture. He let me knee down on the coach, squeesed my muscle in the back of the lower legs. and then checked the response of my foot. The left foot was lifted while the right foot was only a little bit lifted. It was then obvious that the tendon was not functioning well. It could be a partial Achilles tendon rupture.

Since my leg was still swelling, the nurse used a plaster to fixed the position of my right foot that it was bended forward and the distance of my ankle and the tendon was shortened so as to let the tendon grows back naturally. I told the nurse that I had a trip planned on the following weekend, so he suggested me to come back to the hospital and re-do my plaster in the plaster room before flying off. He also tried to arrange my appointment with the doctor, but could only be scheduled on 1 September because all the time slots were taken.

The nurse gave me a document from the internet regarding Achilles tendon rupture and its treatment. You can find the document here. There are at least 2 ways to treat this injury - conventional treatment or surgery. Either way, I will need to be in the plaster for 6 - 8 weeks.

Knowing that I had this injury, I quickly informed my project team lead and my career councilor. They kindly asked me to follow the doctor's instructions and rest as much as needed. My roll off date from the project was quickly decided and I then started my longest sick leave ever.

The following Friday, 22 August. I went back to the hospital, with a reference letter from the nurse in the A&E department. I met the plasterer of the hospital, and he did a similar test on my tendon before replacing the plaster. This plasterer was more senior to the one in A&E and did a great job in making the plaster. However, he gave me a different conclusion on my tendon - it was looking more like a complete Achilles tendon rupture now.

I think I was very lucky because I went to the hospital the next day the accident occured so the hospital could do proper handling on my case. Knowing the situation had changed from partial rupture to complete rupture, the plasterer asked the reception to insert an emergent appointment with the doctorthe truma and fracture clinic on the coming Wednesday, 27 August.

Of course, the trip to North Ireland was cancelled.

Before I knew it was a complete rupture, I always believed that I would take the conventional treatment in which the leg will be kept in plaster and let the tendon grow back naturally. But now I started to seriously consider surgery treatment - was it necessary? should I do it in UK or in Taiwan? what would be the impact on my work after the surgery?

After talking to many friends, including my flatmate who is doing his PhD study in medical engineering in Imperial College, and an old friend who was a doctor from Cambridge. I concluded that the repair surgery of Achilles tendon was not a very complicated one and it was almost the most basic operation in orthpedic. The biggest risk in surgery is the potential for infection on the wound - there is less blood circulation in that area. I thought it should be a manageable risk.

Wednesday 27 August, I went to the hospital to see the doctor. After a short wait in the treatment room, the doctor came and spoke to me. He told me my situation was a partial rupture and the conventional treatment would be the better option for my treatment. I suddenly realised that he was speaking based on the inspection in A&E. I told him what the senior plasterer discovered when I went changing my plaster. He realised what I was talking about and started to unwrap my plaster and checked on my leg.

He was soon convinced that it was a complete rupture. Since it was a complete rupture, the surgery was inevitable. He asked me to sign on an agreement form for operation and then arranged the ultrasound inspection. It was a few hours later, after a series of waiting and checking, it was confirmed by the ultrasound that my tendon was indeed completely ruptured.

By then it was another young doctor who did a series of pre-operation questions for me. He then asked me to come next day, Thursday 28 August, for the operation. He said he would like to get me into the hospital that day if there was a bed available for me.

'Tomorrow? Is it possible? I never saw UK people working in such efficiency!' I was amased and my flatmates were all amased.

So I went the next day but it was a diappointing day in the end. As instructed, I stopped eating/drinking by midnight and arrived at the ward room before 7:30AM. But I did not get the surgery or even the confirmation for the surgery until 5PM when the young doctor and the registrar came and said sorry to me - since I was put in the emergent theatre list, and because there were other more emergent cases so I could not have the surgery on Thursday. I had to stay in the hospital over night and wait for the chance for the operation on the next day.

So I did not eat anything and drink anything until 5pm that day and I would need to be on fast again after mid night. Thankfully many friends came to visit me in the evening, bringing my laptops along so that I could pass the following few days without too much boredon.

Afternoon Friday 29 August, I finally get the chance for the operation. I had been greeted by anesthetists and nurses, I also see the doctor who would do the surgery for me - he was the first doctor who saw me on Wednesday. I was given a full anesthetisation and the surgery was done in a couple of hours. When I woke up and saw my doctor, he told me "the surgery was technically successful".


I was kept in the hospital for observation until Monday 1 September. I think it was the post effect of anethetisation, I was not really feeling good until Sunday. I was given a new plaster, a full plaster with fibreglass outfit, which looked like a ski kit or something similar. When I arrived home, it was already in the evening.

I was given a 2-week sick leave by the doctor when I left the hospital on Monday 1 September.

Today, Thursday 11 Septmember, I went to see my GP. After understanding my situation, my GP gave me another 4 week sick leave so that I can fully recover and he suggested me go back to him toward the end of the 4 week period to review my progress.

Usually the recovery will take 6 - 8 weeks. If everything goes well, by the time I can get rid of the plaster, it would be late October, maybe toward the end of October. I will still need to go through a series of practice after that, since I need to regain the strength on my leg. There is still a long way ahead before I can go back to the sports ground. What a long wait!

Anyway, I will make it.

Update 2 Oct 2008.

I went back to the hospital on 17 Sept for the appointment with the doctor. After checking the wound, the doctor confirmed that it was healing well. That day I had the stiches on the wound removed, and also the plaster room gave me a new plaster - it was purple and looked pretty nice.

From 20080917 - Outpatient
From 20080917 - Outpatient

On 2 Oct, I re-visited the hospital to replace a new plaster and bending the foot angle. This time it is a pink.
From 20081002 - New Plaster

Update 15 Oct 2008.

I revisited my GP last week on Wednesday 8 Oct. The doctor extended my sick leave for another month. I will be back in office in early November.

15 Oct morning, I revisited the hospital to replace my last plaster. My foot angle was fixed at 90 degree so I am allowed to stand and walk on both feet now. It hurts a lot to stand and walk as I believe the foot has been free from any pressure for too long and it needs to get used to my body weight again.

My new plaster is a green one. I originally wanted an Apple green, but unfortunately it is the only green they have. The plasterer has done a good job again to make it very nice and beautiful. I was also given a shoe to put on the plaster when I need to walk outdoors.

Please see the new photos at
20081015 - Green Plaster

Update 29 Oct 2008.

I revisited the hospital today and finally got my plaster removed. Hooray!!!!

The leg is weak and the tendons in the back and front of my foot are all very tight. I have taken some photos today. It is interesting to see how my skin gets dry and easy to peal on the leg.

20081029 - Removing Plaster

I also talked to the physiotherapy today. I have been given 2 practices to stretch my foot. The next appointment will be in 2 week time.

Full Chinese Version:我如何弄斷了我的阿基里斯腱 (1) - 意外的發生 [How I ruptured my Achilles Tendon (1) - The Accident]







我個人對於微軟是沒有什麼偏見的。起碼我的電腦上裝的還是正版的Windows XP。感謝這些筆記型電腦廠商很貼心地幫我自動加錢裝Windows。所以最後還是有微軟做些翻譯上的測試囉!至於一不小心抓出的翻譯問題,就…… 大家知道的嘛,微軟的品質一向是有保證低。





我的阿基里斯腱 - 出院。新的石膏

星期一 9月1日。準備出院了。

早上見過了不少人,包括石膏室的先生們,一個叫做 Chris ,和一個叫做 Sophia 的復健師。離出院是愈來愈近囉!

石膏室的先生們看過昨天 Alex 醫生的作品後,認為形狀還OK,不用重做。昨天說的這個星期三的約診也移到下星期三。石膏室的先生們問我要什麼顏色…

'.... Do you have orange?'
'ah... we just stopped providing orange'
'.... oh, then, ... please give me a blue one, ok?'
'nice one'
'doesn't is like another ski kit?'
'surely it is!'



話說從頭:我如何弄斷了我的阿基里斯腱 (1) - 意外的發生