
Some IM Bots I tried on GoogleTalk

Following my discovery on the Google Translation Bots, I am getting more interested in Google Talk and bots on it.

Add the contact in the GoogleTalk, and you will get some usefulchat bots to play with.
  • Wall Street Journal -> WSJ@aim.jabber.hot-chilli.net
  • Imfeeds (RSS notice) -> imfeeds@gmail.com
  • Imified (Notes/Todo/Reminders) -> imified@imfied.com
  • Buddy@MrMovie.com (IMDB or Amazon movie info) -> buddy%mrmovie.com@aim.jabber.hot-chilli.net

There are some bots that have been designed for AIM, and they can be easily integrated in GoogleTalk too. Here is the gallary website http://gallery.aim.com/browse/bots although most of the bots there are for US only.

Update: most of the bots above require you to set up the linkage between Google Talk and the Jabber server properly. Please refer to my new article at http://cheeven.blogspot.com/2008/10/googletalk.html
